Take a page.
Blank is fine
and write whatever is
on your mind.

Write in verses,
make them rhyme,
leave out curses
and take your time.

Think of nature;
write the sun,
think of some thing
or someone.

Reach into your
heart and steal
the words that say
the way you feel.

Write until you’re done,
you’ll know it.
That’s the way
to be a poet.

© Copyright Walter J. Wojtanik – 2013

Off of POETIC ASIDES Day 8 (Instructional Poem)


A cross the field, ‘neath azure skies,
B eyond the mountains, beyond the seas.
C learly, one can see the signs
D iscovered in the beauty of a Summer’s day.
E verwhere the view proclaims
F orever lives in always dreams,
G iving rise to raise your eyes to the
H eavens, (disguised as azure skies).
I f man were meant to fly, he’d hover o’er fields green
J ust to glimpse the beauty exposed.
K eep your hearts open for
L ove to live within,
M indful of the world around you,
N ot only of yourself. For
O nce this beauty captures your spirit
P ursuit of such scenes are repeated, a
Q uest for the masterpieces of life.
R eclaim your place in the world, your
S tation in this fine and expressive work.
T each your children to appreciate its beauty,
U nderstanding that what you give them
V alidates your reason to exist.
W hether you embrace the world, it is your target.
X marks the spot where your heart will begin.
Y ou are always welcome to share your voice,
Z eniths of art beautifully composed await you.

© Copyright Walter J. Wojtanik – 2013



In the morning mists I hear a whisper,
a gentle call that lures me from my sleep.
Soft and soothing sounds; a prayer, a vesper,
the dawn of day – a piece of life to keep.
Freshness of the air is getting crisper
as I awaken, breathing life in deep.
Morning mists do bring me to discover,
there’s a brave new world outside these covers.

© Copyright Walter J. Wojtanik – 2013

Ottava Rima for NaPoWriMo 2013 – Day 8