(A found poem)

I’ve been mad for fucking years;
been over the edge working me buns off…
I know, I’ve been mad like most of us
(even if you’re not mad…)

All you touch and all you see,
a race toward an early grave
is all your life will ever be.
Waiting for someone

or something to show you the way.
You are young; life is long.
There is time to kill today,
plans that either come to naught,

or are half a page of scribbled lines.
Hanging on in quiet desperation,
it came as a heavy blow,
yelling and screaming and telling him

“Grab that cash with both hands”.
It is the root of all evil,
but we sorted the matter out.
I was really drunk at the time!

“Listen son, don’t give me that do goody good
bullshit”, said the man with the gun,
God only knows it’s not what we choose,
but which is which and who is who?

There’s room for you inside;
only a difference of opinion.
Good manners don’t cost nothin, eh?
Got to keep the loonies on the path

And if with dark forebodings
your head explodes, raise the blade.
Make the change. Lock the door and
throw away the key. The old man died.

All you hate,
all you distrust,
all that you deal
beg, borrow or steal…

There is no dark side of the moon!
It’s really a matter of fact it’s all dark.


I chose the “spaceship name – A Momentary Lapse of Reason”. The “Momentary Lapse” came from actually listening to the “Dark Side of the Moon” by the English progressive rock group Pink Floyd. All lines are culled from that album (for those who have no clue – an album is a CD on steroids!)

Walter J. Wojtanik 2013

Written for NaPoWriMo 2013 – Day 4 – Write a Poem Based on a Banks-like spaceship name title


A loving heart is to be held,
Not tightly, but like a small bird.
Gently, tenderly – barely closing around it.

It cannot be held forever,
Love is a treasure that must be sent into the world.
Love smothered, languishes. Given away, it returns.

If you love something, set it free.
It will return if it was meant to be.
If not, you both are free.

© Copyright Walter J. Wojtanik – 2013

Suggested by POETIC ASIDES Day 4 – Hold That (Blank)