Smooth sailing on an azure lake, tides and time waiting for no one reason to change the course we manipulate. We are the captains of logic, charting the stars for the safe route home. But as the swell begins to toss your weary hull, an instance comes to fore that all that seems tranquil, is now turbulent and unrelenting, preventing you from the completion of your journey. In your thinking you order the lifeboats, not giving up the ship, and not going down with out a fight, tonight and every night. You stand determined, hand on the rudder and tacking a hard starboard course angling directly into the storm that batters your horizon. Catching your sail, it turns you to your heart’s safe harbor, a lifeline tethered and strong, sailing right along to the sanctuary of your soul.

rolling and churning
turbulent waters seek peace
adrift in the storm

© Walter J. Wojtanik – 2016

dVerse Poets Pub – Haibun Monday: Winds of Change



  1. ‘Catching your sail, it turns you to your heart’s safe harbor, a lifeline tethered and strong, sailing right along to the sanctuary of your soul’

    This is soo beautiful! Tugs straight at your heart 😀

    Lots of love,

  2. I’ve never sailed but I love messing about in boats. A great extended metaphor, Walt. My favourite line: ‘Catching your sail, it turns you to your heart’s safe harbor, a lifeline tethered and strong, sailing right along to the sanctuary of your soul.’

  3. Beautiful use of metaphor!! I read this three times out of pure enjoyment! Especially fitting sitting here, looking out a low tide in Provincetown, grey skies, some fog, and rain slowly dripping, spattering on our deck.

  4. This is wonderful, Walt. Been riding some storms lately and this is the reminder I needed that safe harbors are never far away…sometimes as close as our own heart.

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