A packed bag and a broken tin can left circling space
turning toward the sun, a face;
mirrored shield covering a mouth agape,
a hidden cave devoid of screams
and chants that mimic the drone
of a broken capsule pitching.
Switching from the crooked course offers little hope.
Major Tom sever your binding and shake your fist.
Floating, you vow, “my circuit’s dead, I can’t hear you
Planet Earth is blue; nothing I can do”.

© Copyright Walter J. Wojtanik – 2013


Written for THE SUNDAY WHIRL – Wordle #108

25 thoughts on “MAJOR DETATCHMENT

  1. Good use of action and great images throughout this poem – and nice interior rhymes, not forced. I like how you use the space capsule disconnected and pitched as a metaphor for heading in a precarious direction, and the word play “nothing I can do – the earth is blue – powerful.

  2. Nail biting!! Remembered our very own Kalpana Chawala and her fate, one of seven crew members killed in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster!!

      1. 🙂 I haven’t wordled in awhile…copy/pasted the wordle this week…ran head-first into a post on fb so I thought I’d try maybe. Happy day to you, Walt! 🙂

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