The SUNDAY WHIRL – Wordle #61

He walked a fine line;
a blend between temper and tenderness.
A battle scar of life running down his chest
to his umbilicus; he was as good at his racket
as a father ought be. He was unfinished,
a draft of who he could’ve been.
A man that could string good days together
like strikes in a perfect game. Spare me the
denigration, any crack in his foundation
was merely a trace at best. Nothing could
augment my current state or make me
refrain from exulting the man. He would
latch onto his family and hold on for dear life.
And so it had been with my father!

Written for the SUNDAY WHIRL – Wordle #61

21 thoughts on “STANDING TALL IN A 5′ 5″ FRAME

  1. excellent tribute. we all have our flaws, but as long as we are trying, making the effort to actually be a father, we hope our children will remember us like this. well done.

  2. Laurie Kolp

    He was unfinished,
    a draft of who he could’ve been

    …There is a sadness in this… the poem is a lovely tribute to the sacrifices parents make. Sounds like your father was very happy in his role!

  3. So many strong images here . . . “battle scar of life running down his chest….”
    “He was unfinished, / a draft of who he could’ve been.” I could go on. A marvelous poem, and you made it work as a Father’s Day tribute. So glad I came over to read this one.

  4. I will add my “great tribute” to the others’ comments…a great way to use the wordle words.

    I also loved the proximity of “strike” and “spare” — clever word play, as I would expect no less. Brilliant.

  5. Pingback: Response to Sunday Wordle |

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