She walks unencumbered where once he had lumbered and stood. A good man lost to the world, leaving her soul yearning and giving a burning sensation in her brain. It will never be the same. And yet, she walks in elegance and grace, her face hidden in a forbidden tear. He is not here to share her heart. At the start they vowed never to be far apart, barring the unforeseen. But this scene is missing something, incomplete as her feet shuffle and keeps her perpetual in her motion. She has a notion they will meet again, face-to-face in elegance and grace.

Without him she walks
within loving memories.
Shadows of her heart.

© Walter J. Wojtanik – 2016

Presented at dVerse Poets Pub – Haibun Monday: A Little Romance

54 thoughts on “IN ELEGANCE AND GRACE

    1. You’ve got that right about the emptiness, Victoria. Oh, if you only knew the whole tragically beautiful story. A subject of many of my poems, I can never stop the inspiration. Thanks as always for your comments!

  1. Glenn Buttkus

    Yes, the third person leaves us without a specific POV, but lovely poetics, message, story, for sure–& your challenge to us to determine who is who & why in even more intriguing as our imagination fills in the blanks.

  2. Rosemary Nissen-Wade

    By now I have read what you said somewhere else, so I know What/who this is about. Sad … yet I think it shows a good heart, to write it from her point of view, and make her such a romantic figure.

  3. Two become one but someday death divides…love is worth it. She is strong to go on with “elegance and grace” (if both are believers, they will meet again!). Beautiful internal rhymes in your poetic prose, Walt, which lighten the sadness.

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